南京有约-MSAVC 2016美国兽医团队来袭·····





Gregory M. Anderson, DVM, Dipl. ACVS is from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area of Minnesota, United States of America. He received his bachelor of science degree in Zoology and his doctor of veterinary medicine degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA). He completed a rotating small animal internship at the Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island (Canada) and a small animal surgery internship at Affiliated Veterinary Specialists, PA., in Winter Park, Florida (USA). He then went on to complete a small animal surgery residency at the University of Florida (USA). Dr. Anderson joined the faculty of the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Tennessee before joining the faculty of the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities where he is currently an Associate Professor and Section Chief of Small Animal Surgery. He is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons and performs general, orthopedic, and selected neurosurgeries. He has a particular interest in use of the circular external skeletal fixation for angular limb deformities and fracture fixation, as well as reconstructive surgery and surgical oncology.

安德森博士来自美国明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯/圣保罗地区。他于美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校获得动物学理学学士和兽医博士学位。他先在加拿大爱德华王子岛大西洋兽医学完成了小动物轮流实习,在美国佛罗里达州温特帕克附属的兽医专家部门进行小动物外科手术实习,而后在美国佛罗里达大学担任小动物外科住院医。安德森博士在成为明尼苏达大学教授前曾在田纳西大学兽医学院工作,现在他是明尼苏达大学兽医学院的副教授和小动物外科组主任。他是美国兽医外科委员会认证的专科医师,能够进行常规,骨科和选择神经手术。安德森博士对圆形外骨骼固定在角肢体畸形和骨折固定中的使用尤其感兴趣, 还有在对整形外科和肿瘤外科方面。


Dr. David graduated from the Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Toulouse in France. Following an equine internship at Marion DuPont Scott Equine Medical Center in Virginia, he completed an internship in Diagnostic Imaging at Ross University (West Indies) and a residency in Radiology at the Royal Veterinary College in London, UK achieving board certification by the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging in 2012. At this time, he joined the Medical Imaging team at the college of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota. His research interests include neurologic and muskuloskelettal MRI, as well as optimization of the use of radiology for general practitioners, with a focus on gastro-intestinal radiography.

大卫博士从法国图卢兹国家兽医学院毕业。在弗吉尼亚马里昂杜邦斯科特马医学中心实习后,他在罗斯大学(西印度)完成了诊断成像的实习和在英国伦敦皇家兽医学院的放射学住院医,并在2012年获得欧洲兽医诊断成像学院董事会的认证。同时, 他加入了明尼苏达大学兽医学院医学成像团队。他的研究兴趣包括神经和肌肉骨骼的核磁共振, 及全科医师对放射学的优化应用, 主要是胃肠放射照相。

Dr. Jody Lulich currently holds the academic rank of professor at the University of Minnesota. He is a diplomate in the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine certified in internal medicine. He is the co-director of the Minnesota Urolith Center. He specializes in nephrology and urology, and has earned an international reputation as a clinical investigator and educator in this field. Among his contributions to veterinary medicine is the technique of voiding urohydropropulsion, a nonsurgical method to remove uroliths from the urinary bladder. In 2007, he was voted as Speaker of The Year at the North American Veterinary Conference held in Orlando, Florida. He was awarded the Norden-Pfizer-Zoetis Distinguished Teacher Award in 2001 & 2013. Dr. Lulich currently holds the endowed Hills/Osborne Chair in Nephrology and Urology at the University of Minnesota.

鲁里齐博士现任美国明尼苏达大学教授。他是美国兽医内科委员会认证的专科医师,同时还担任明尼苏达尿结石研究中心的联合主任。鲁里齐博士擅长肾脏和泌尿外科,作为临床研究和教育工作者在这一领域享誉国际盛名。他所倡导的非手术方法将结石从膀胱取出的碎石技术为兽医学发展做出了杰出贡献。在2007年于佛罗里达奥兰多召开的北美兽医大会上,他被选为年度演讲嘉宾。他在2001年和2013年荣获诺登 – 辉瑞 – 硕腾杰出教师奖。 鲁里齐博士现任美国明尼苏达大学希尔斯/奥斯本肾脏和泌尿学名誉主席。


Dr. David J. Polzin is a 1975 graduate of the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. He completed an internship at the University of Georgia 1976 and a residency and graduate program in Small Animal Internal Medicine at the University of Minnesota in 1981. He achieved board certification in Veterinary Internal Medicine and was awarded a PhD in Veterinary Medicine in 1981. He is currently a Professor at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine and Chief of Small Animal Internal Medicine at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center. He is co-chair of the WSAVA Renal Pathology Study Group and a member of the IRIS (International renal Interest Society) Board. He is a co-author of Nephrology and Urology of Small Animals as well as many scientific publications and book chapters, and is a frequent speaker for veterinary audiences around the world.



Dr. Sharkey completed her undergraduate training at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and completed her DVM, PhD in cardiovascular physiology, and clinical pathology residency training at Ohio State University. She was a primary care clinician in Ohio and Vermont prior to her academic career. Dr. Sharkey was on the faculty at Tufts University for 5 years before joining the University of Minnesota. She is the laboratory director of the clinical pathology laboratory, which performs laboratory work for companion animal, livestock, zoo animal, and laboratory animal species. Dr. Sharkey teaches in multiple courses in clinical pathology and small animal internal medicine. She continues to practice through mentoring student outreach activities on Indian reservations and in downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul. Her clinical interests include diagnostic cytopathology, clinical chemistry, and validation of new testing methodologies in coagulation testing. Her basic research involves the study of long term complications of radiation and chemotherapy in cancer survivors in collaboration with the Masonic Cancer Center at the University of Minnesota.



Dr. Washabau received his veterinary (VMD) and PhD degrees from the University of Pennsylvania. He performed his internship at the University of Pennsylvania, residency in Internal Medicine at the University of California-Davis, and he was certified in Internal Medicine by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Dr. Washabau held the appointments of Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (1989-2004) before being recruited to the University of Minnesota where he held the chairmanship of the Veterinary Clinical Sciences department for 10 years (2004-2014). Dr. Washabau is currently Professor of Medicine at the University of Minnesota where he teaches, practices, and performs research in gastroenterology and gastrointestinal physiology. Dr. Washabau is a past President of the ACVIM Internal Medicine Specialty and the Comparative Gastroenterology Society. He is the recipient of the Norden Distinguished Teaching Award (1990, 1995), the Ivy League Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award (1995), the WSAVA International Scientific Achievement Award (2009), and member of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers at the University of Minnesota (2013). Dr. Washabau chairs the International Gastrointestinal Standardization Group which aims to create standards for the clinical and histopathological diagnosis and treatment of G.I. disease. Dr. Washabau is the primary author of Canine and Feline Gastroenterology published by Elsevier in 2013.


 Topics(To Be Confirmed)


Speakers(To Be Confirmed)


Disorders of the Upper Urinary Tract


Dr. David Polzin,University of Minnesota, USA


Use of Clinical Pathology in Diagnosis of Disease


Dr. Leslie Sharkey,University of Minnesota, USA


Disorders of the Lower Urinary Tract


Dr. Jody Lulich,University of Minnesota, USA


Use of Imaging Techniques in Small Animals


Dr. Frederick David,University of Minnesota, USA


Disorders of the G.I. Trac


Dr. Robert Washabau,University of Minnesota, USA


Use of Surgical Techniques in Small Animals


Dr. Greg  Anderson,University of Minnesota, USA




提前注册2016年3月31日之前人民币1000 元/人(或160美元/人)
正常注册时间2016年3月31日- 5月20日人民币1500 元/人(或250美元/人)
只注册一天截止2016年6月26日人民币600元 /人(或100美元/人)





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联系人:鹿老师 15101513773

电  话:010-62933521    传  真:010-62923015




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下一篇 2016年3月1日 下午3:43


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